horror scene

all I wanted

was an apology

a single word of remorse

to say you’re sorry

to try to make up

in some half-assed way

for the dreams and fears

the delusional dreams and tears

I could have forgiven it all

even the words you meant

the hits you put your weight behind

the punches you threw

without caring about a bruise

a soul that loved you so much

I was ready to let it all go

to come back with open arms

after I told people what you really are

but a single sorry

never even crossed your mind

because you weren’t in your heart

the place where it mattered

you denied any and all guilt

and disregarded the hospital bills

to save your self-serving existence

that was all that ever mattered to you

not me or mom

we were just extra bodies

in the movie of your life

that in reality

read like a horror scene

a cloud of depression

you thrust onto me


words in red


all i ask