words in red

I screamed the words of Sylvia Plath at my mother

But she wouldn’t listen

And told me my head was too big for my waist

So I carved the words into my skin with a rusty razor blade

And she finally heard

I screamed the words of Steinbeck at my perverted boss

But he wouldn’t listen

So I turned his best employee against him

Stole everything I could fit in my purse

And left without a word

I screamed the words of Brontë at a woman who refused to leave

But she wouldn’t listen

So I killed the only love she ever had

And buried his body under a dead oak

And she finally heard

I screamed the words of Frost into an empty wood

But no one was there

So I sliced my wrist open with a jagged rock

Just to know I was alive

I screamed my own words at myself in the mirror

at a keyboard that laughed at me

at a blank page stained with tears

Because I couldn’t find anyone to listen

So I just kept all the thoughts in my brain

They festered and ate up every ounce of joy I had

Killing the part of me that wanted to live

Until one day they had to come out

So I put a hole in one temple

And another on the other

And every thought everyone ignored

Ran down my face in red




horror scene