betting game

A hand held close to the chest 

Is a heart that will never rest 

Hiding your cards means you have the best 

Run to make me doubt the love you profess 


Strictly strategical in your pursuit 

Your emotions become minute 

I suddenly see the devil you disguised in a suit 

And I know my pot is yours to loot 


Drawing in hopes of a straight 

From the deck of life, I am surely late 

For you laid down a straight flush ending in eight 

I now see the danger in your gait 


You played my heart like an ace 

Though, you refused to look at the pain on my face 

You continued to roll the dice with grace 

With a heart that refused to give away space 


You were never mine to make fold 

The love we once had has gone cold 

To me, your heart was worth more than gold 

But you were too scared to show me the hand you hold 


Betting is a messy game 

Messier than love or fame 

But, engraved on my heart is your name 

A man I could never tame 


They saw a rock, yet I saw a gem 

That would never play me like Texas Hold’em 

Surely, I was wrong for not listening to them 


You bet under the gun 

I know I should have run 

But, waiting to see who would fold was too fun 

I held out to see if I could win, but now I am done 


For all my chips are gone 

You stole them like a pawn 

In a game now foregone 

I realize, it never mattered what cards were drawn 


Love is never what we were told 

And my hand is at risk

I fold 


all i ask