the big picture

Someone once said,

we are all mosaics

of the past people

we have loved.

And I have loved you

for what feels like an eternity.

You are from a past life

where my heart was whole.

But in this life,

the passing of time

makes my stomach churn

with anticipation and anxiety.

For me to put

a shard of myself

a vital piece of my beating heart

in your hands;

I almost cower in fear.

Because the shards of my heart

draw blood when provoked

and punctured the jugular

when backed into a corner.

I fear that you will see

The shattered glass that is me.

Not to mention,

I think have already given

too many pieces away

and I only have so many

left to spare

before my heart

ceases to beat.

Though, fear is pacified

By your willingness to see beauty

In the darkest places

You hold my heart in one hand

and my hand in the other.

Without ever getting cut,

The jagged edges soften

From your caring touch.

So choose your mosaic piece wisely.

For, these things aren’t given lightly.


invisible drawstring


sticky notes on a wall